
What is Heat Related Illness? What are symptoms of Heat related illness? What are Precautions & Preventive measures against Heat related illness? What to do if you see a person suffer from Heat Related Illness?

Know about in detail by Dr. Pooja Khosla, Consultant Physician at Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital:

As the temperatures are rising day by day, this summer season is breaking all the records in Delhi and its surrounding areas. So it is very important that we take care of our health; all throughout the season.

*What do we mean by a Heat Wave/Heat Stroke? When do we experience Heat Related Illness?

When the body temperature excesses 40ºC or more, our body starts showing some response; through all the systems in our body; which can vary from mild like Sweating to very severe like seizures or even death.

Hence, it is very important that we are aware about the symptoms & signs of Heat Stroke & we are more importantly aware about the precautions and preventive measures.


One might experience seating initially; but as the temperature increases and the duration of exposure increases the skin becomes very dry, red and inflamed. Heat has effects on all the systems of the body:-

»Cardiovascular Systems: One may start feeling palpitation, uneasiness, the pulse rate will increases at times become irregular and one might even collapse and will have to be admitted.

»Respiratory System: One might have rapid and shallow breath; take more efforts to breath. At time may feel suffocated and may collapse.

»Hematological System: One might experience mild to severe headache, dizziness, giddiness and at times have blackouts, confusion state and in severe form may have seizures or stroke.

»Renal System: One might experience decrease urine output and at time no urine output; this is an emergency situations and need to be admitted.

»Heat exposure can worsen any of the old medical illness like blood pressure, Diabetes, Cerebro-vascular accidents, Kidney and liver problems.

Hence, we should take adequate precautions & prevent heat related illness.

*Precautions & Preventive measures against Heat related illness:

»One should avoid going out in hot sun, especially during the peaks hours from 12PM to 3PM.

»Even if one has to go should take precautions like;

»»Cover the head with Cap/Umbrella.

»»Wear goggles (Dark shade/UV protected).

»»Use Sunscreens (One should apply sunscreen cream frequently & every time you go out in sun).

»»Wear loose, light weight & light colored cloths.

»»Always carry water bottles and hydrate yourself well, drink water frequently even you are not thirsty.

»»Park car in shade.

»»Do not leave your children or pets in the locked car.

»»Use fans, coolers & air conditioners.

»Keep the room cool & well ventilated.

*What to do if you see a person suffer from Heat Related Illness?

» First get the patient to a shaded area, a cooler area then loosen up his/her cloths so that he/she can breadth easily.

»Place the patient face to a lateral side (Towards one side).

»Give the person water to drink.

»Pour water over the head of the person to normalize the body temperature.

»Wipe the person hands and legs with wet cloth.

»These measures will help the patient, simultaneously call the ambulance & shift the patient to nearby hospital.

»So, one should take proper precautions and stay healthy during summers as heat related illness can be fatal and can even lead to death.

Dr. Pooja Khosla

Senior Consultant Medicine

Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital

Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

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