Vascular and Peripheral Surgery
The department has added venous laser ablation for the treatment of varicose veins (removal of veins without scars). With the addition of the technique of implantation of spinal cord stimulator a new dimension was added as a pain relief option for intractable ischaemic pain.
The department holds the distinction of being the few vascular surgery units in India , which has a fully functional vascular lab, Duplex colour doppler machine, Cath lab and angiography suite with dedicated vascular operation theatre.
- Enoxosure Registry - Enoxoparin outcome study evaluation in medical patients
- Perceive Registry – for incidence of thromboembolism in cancer patients.
- Poise Trial - Peri operative ischaemic evaluation study
- DVT Free Hospital Project – prevalence of DVT in hospital admitted patients.
Academic Meetings
The department of vascular and endovascular surgery organises monthly meeting of Delhi Vascular Forum. The symposium is well attended by senior and junior vascular and general surgeons from different hospital in Delhi and NCR. Interesting and difficult cases are discussed and consensus drawn.
Hospital Epidemiological Study
The department of vascular and endovascular surgery organises monthly meeting of Delhi Vascular Forum. The symposium is well attended by senior and junior vascular and general surgeons from different hospital in Delhi and NCR. Interesting and difficult cases are discussed and consensus drawn.
We are coordinating a DVT Free Hospital Project, which involved Ultrasound screening of all high-risk category patients admitted in the hospital in the special specialties. More than 5000 patients have been enrolled so far.
Non-invasive Peripheral Vascular Lab
- Diagnostic Peripheral Doppler Scans
- Therapeutic Compression Embolisation
- ABI Tonometry
- Segmental Pressure Analysis
- Venous Laser Ablation
- Injection treatment for Varicose Veins and Leg Ulcers
Endovascular Surgery
- Carotid / Renal / Subclavian angiography and angioplasty with stenting
- Peripheral angiography with angioplasty of arm or leg arteries
- Aorta and Visceral artery angioplasty
- Venous angiography with IVC filter placement and angioplasty of stenotic veins.
- Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis (including placement of IVC filters)
- Covered Stent Grafts for Trauma, Arterio-Venous Fistulae and Aneurysms
Vascular Surgery
- Carotid endarterectomy - Surgery for Stroke Prevention
- Bypass Surgery for Leg Arteries
- Management for gangrene of limbs to prevent amputation
- Surgery for Aortic Aneurysm/ Aortic occlusion
- Emergency surgery for vascular injury in Accident and Trauma
- Vascular control for bleeding vessels/ Tumour Vascular control
Management of Swollen Legs / DVT
Swollen legs due to deep vein thrombosis are a fairly common presentation. These are effectively treated by compression stockings and compression therapy. A rare but serious complication of DVT is dislodgment of the clots from the legs to the lungs
Angiography, Ballooning (Angioplasty) and Stenting
Angiography is a special dye test of the blood vessels. It is done under local anaesthesia, on a mobile X-ray machine in our vascular Cath Lab. Angiography of the legs, arm or neck vessels is done regularly.
Doppler Scan
The blood vessels can also be studied by a non invasive method - Doppler. It is similar to an ultrasonography (USG) examination. This investigation also helps to detect peripheral vascular (PVD) or arterial blockage, DVT, etc.
Surgery for Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are prominent and tortuous veins in legs, which can cause pain, ulcer and swelling. They are managed by injection sclerotherapy or operation depending on the severity.
Surgery for Stroke Prevention
Stroke or Brain attack usually occurs due to blockage of arteries in the neck, which carry blood to the brain (carotid artery). This blockage can be cleared by an operation called Carotid Endarterectomy.
Surgery for Aortic Aneurysms
An aortic aneurysms is ballooning of the main artery of the body, usually in the abdomen. It is major risk to life if it leaks or ruptures. An open surgery with a tube graft is performed to prevent this complication.
Leg bypass Surgery
Leg arteries are blocked due to atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries. Eventually, as the process progresses, your blood vessels can no longer supply the oxygen demands of your organs or muscles and symptoms may develop. During a bypass, the vascular surgeon creates a new pathway for blood flow using a graft or bypass. A graft is a portion of one of your veins or a man-made synthetic tube that your surgeon connects above and below a blockage to allow blood to pass around it.
- Rajiv Parakh, Sumit R, Ishita Sen, Sandeep Agarwal, Tarun Grover and Ajay Yadav. Pulmonary embolism: A frequency Occurrence in Indian Patients with Symptomatic Lower Limb Venous Thrombosis. Asian Journal of Surgery Vol. 29, No. 2, April 2006
- Dr. Rajiv Parakh. Vascular Access and Specialized Technique of drug delivery. Practical Pediatric Hematology. Indian Academy of Pediatrics Presidential Action Plan 2006

Why choose Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital?
Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital is one of the trusted hospitals in Delhi as well as in India. There are several grounds that make us the top-most hospital of choice of patients and their family members
- Proven Clinical Excellence - We unceasingly outdo the industry benchmarks in medical outcomes
- High-tech healthcare facilities through cutting edge technology - access to the newest drugs, getting the finest treatment technology as well as the latest digital technology available to support clinical and patient administration structures
- Highly experienced and competent doctors, medical professionals and staffs
- Personalised care - Our hospital's philosophy revolves around providing personalised care for the most comfortable healthcare experience possible.
- Quality & cost-efficient Healthcare - Our commitment to patients of outstanding clinical care and friendly atmosphere that is cost efficient too
- Central location and easy accessibility