Radiology & CT Scan
Conventional Radiology
The radiology department is equipped with a number of conventional x-ray machines and two machines with image intensifier for procedures to be done under fluoroscopic control. Of this, the bulk of the work comprises of routine radiological examination of chest, abdomen, spine and extremities. The procedures done under fluoroscopy control include barium investigations for the gastrointestinal tract, hysterosalpingograms for the female genital tract and a number of procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention for hepatobiliary system. The department also does urological investigations such as intravenous urogram and micturating cystourethrogram. Portable radiography units are kept on each floor of the hospital ward block for patients who are too sick to come to the main department.
The department also has a state-of-the-art mammography machine with stereotactic biopsy attachment for diagnostic interventional procedures. The radiology department is in the process of procuring latest state- of-the- art technology of digital radiography flurosocopy system with angiography facility.
The ultrasound division of the radiology department is one of the earliest ultrasound setups in the city. Since then it has grown steadily, is associated with the first IVF live birth in North India and is currently associated with the highly successful liver transplant programme at this hospital.
The departmental work load includes routine abdominal ultrasonography, antenatal sonography for abnormalities in developing babies, ovulation monitoring, paediatric and neonatal sonography, neurosonography, mammosonography, musculoskeletal sonography, transvaginal and transrectal sonography, sonography of small parts such as thyroid, parathyroid, and scrotum. Doppler sonography for abdomen, pregnancy, carotid and peripheral vascular diseases, transplant kidney and impotency are performed routinely. A number of invasive procedures (aspiration of liver abscess, CVS, and amniocentesis, fetal reduction, cordocentesis) under sonographic guidance are carried out. Service is also provided for sonographic guidance for In Vitro Fertilisation procedures in the IVF operation theatre, surgical and gynecological procedures in other operation theatres & portable bedside ultrasonography.
The state-of-the-art scanner technology coupled with improved computer graphic systems has ushered in an era of subsecond image generation with high quality 3D imaging. New Delhi Scan Research Institute was the first to install the multislice CT in India and the centre has now been upgraded to the latest and the fastest GE multislice CT scanner with sub-millimetre resolution since January 1, 2004 by upgrading from 4 detector multislice CT to 16 detector multislice CT.
The new CT scanner, Light Speed 16, is both a top-end research scanner and a clinically viable radiology system for everyday applications hitherto available in few selected sites in the world. This latest generation CT scanner machine has broken through the limits of resolution and speed. It is a volume computed tomography scanner acquiring multiple slices in a single scan rotation. The system is designed to produce optimum image quality with simultaneous scan, image reconstruction, filming, archiving, networking, and display.
Light Speed represents a revolution in Medical Imaging providing enormous gains in cardiac, neuro, lung, gastrointestinal, paediatric and general clinical applications. The primary feature of this scanner is helical volume acquisition at 16 slices per rotation of 0.5 sec. i.e. it acquires axial scans in sets of up to 16 contiguous images in one 360 degree rotation. The scanner has single acquisition maximum scan time of 120 sec. Light Speed 16 supplies exceptional computer and image processing power, significantly enhancing clinical productivity.
The high-end scanner has an advanced analysis and review workstation, the Advantage workstation 4.2 which provides multimodality image review, image comparison, and advanced image processing with absolute simplicity and power.
Our multislice 16 detector CT scanner serves a wide range of clinical applications including neurological, cardiovascular, thoracic, abdominal, and musculoskeletal, and thereby promises to have a major impact in patient care and clinical outcome by leading to an earlier and more accurate diagnosis, but with reduced costs.
This CT scanner makes it possible to explore the coronary arteries and the heart with minimal risk. The new technique of CT coronary angiography is an incredible non-invasive, new procedure that provides detailed visualisation of the heart's arteries in only minutes. We are proud to be one of the first centres in the country to offer this cutting edge technology. This new procedure takes advantage of the huge advances made in CT scanning and software processing technology, and allows us to create 3-dimensional images of the heart. Examination of coronary by-pass grafts is also an excellent indication for cardiac CT imaging. Navigator (virtual endoscopy) undertakes an endoluminal exploration of all-arterial segments, particularly, the bifurcations where stenosis and occlusions are frequent. It also promises to provide a highly reproducible and reliable tool for quantification of coronary atherosclerosis (Calcium Cardiac Scoring).
The department is well equipped for vascular applications like CT angiography, which again is a 3D procedure. Advanced vessel analysis, a highly automated post-processing software allows the user to study selected vessels.
Perfusion imaging is complementary to CT angiography to evaluate blood flow in the organs. Stroke can be diagnosed at a very early stage with CT perfusion, which is not possible by conventional scanning. 3D multi-tissue reconstruction and color imaging is useful in demonstrating clinically useful information with the help of colour mapping.
The scanner is well suited for musculoskeletal imaging because sub millimetre slice thickness makes isotropic imaging possible and the use of multiple detectors allows for greater coverage of regional anatomy. In scanning traumatised extremity, the need for multiple scanning planes is eliminated. The scanner is very useful for scanning multiorgan systems, at one setting, such as the neck, the chest, the abdomen and the pelvis.

Why choose Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital?
Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital is one of the trusted hospitals in Delhi as well as in India. There are several grounds that make us the top-most hospital of choice of patients and their family members
- Proven Clinical Excellence - We unceasingly outdo the industry benchmarks in medical outcomes
- High-tech healthcare facilities through cutting edge technology - access to the newest drugs, getting the finest treatment technology as well as the latest digital technology available to support clinical and patient administration structures
- Highly experienced and competent doctors, medical professionals and staffs
- Personalised care - Our hospital's philosophy revolves around providing personalised care for the most comfortable healthcare experience possible.
- Quality & cost-efficient Healthcare - Our commitment to patients of outstanding clinical care and friendly atmosphere that is cost efficient too
- Central location and easy accessibility