The Centre for Rehabilitation Medicine is committed to the initiation, promotion, execution and dissemination of high quality treatment of all aspects of rehabilitation.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine strives to improve health, optimize functional performance and restore participation in life's activities with individuals who have disabling conditions and diseases. Our department provides both indoor and outdoor rehabilitation services.
The team
We believe that every individual, regardless of ability, has the potential to achieve a dignified, satisfying, and productive life. We have a multidisciplinary team that provides this care. The Team mainly consists of Surgeon, Physiotherapy Practitioners and Occupational Therapy practitioners. Other active members available on call are Physicians, Nurses, Dieticians, Orthotic and Prosthetic Engineers, Clinical and Vocational Psychologists, Speech therapists, Social workers, and other allied health professionals. The patient is the most important member of this team.
The department of rehabilitation medicine at City Hospital provide services through a holistic approach, in acute as well as long term care, for the following ailments:
- Musculoskeletal problems
- Nerve injuries
- Post surgical complications
- Post fracture stiffness
- Neuromuscular weakness and disorders
- Stress/urge incontinence
- Developmental disorders
- Tendon repair/amputees
- Spinal cord injury
- Joint replacement
- Cardio-respiratory conditions
- Obstetrics and gynecological problems
The staff works in close collaboration with the department of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine, Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Neurology, Neuro-surgery, General medicine and surgery, Nephrology, Paediatrics, Gerontology, Psychiatry, Plastic surgery, Critical care Medicine, Liver Transplant & Kidney Transplant, Minimal Access Surgery, Oncology, Chest Medicine, Rheumatology and many more.
"Physiotherapists are good people to know. They're educated in understanding the interaction of all your body parts. Their hands-on approach begins with examination, diagnosis, and treatment of the immediate problem. Then they teach you how to take care of yourself by showing you how to do exercises and how to use your body properly to gain strength and mobility and prevent recurring injury. You'll find them advising on proper posture and body motion in the work place, treating injuries, consulting on fitness, and administering physical therapy in the home. Today physical therapists provide help for every part of the body to everyone from infants to the elderly - more than 1 million people every day!
Physiotherapy means "therapeutic system of medicine which includes examination treatment, advice and instruction to any person preparatory to or in connection with movement dysfunction, bodily malfunction, physical disorder, disability, healing and pain from trauma, disease, physical and mental condition, using physical agents including exercises, mobilisation, manipulation mechanical and electrical therapy, activities and devices for diagnosis, treatment and prevention".
It includes mainly two fields for its therapeutic effects. These are Mechanotherapy and Electrotherapy. Mechanotherapy basically involves the manual procedures that are soft tissue manipulation, popularly known as massage and the other is manipulation techniques which has joint mobilisation, and Electrotherapy includes electric modalities for the treatment such as - diathermy, ultrasound, laser etc.
Physiotherapy (P.T.) is considered as a conservative treatment method addressing the treatment, healing and prevention of injuries and disabilities. P.T. focuses primarily, but not solely, on pain relief, promoting healing, restoring function and movement, facilitation and adaptation associated with injury. Other areas that are focused upon within P.T. are ergonomic (body mechanic) training, Fitness/wellness, and especially education.
Myths regarding physiotherapy
Many patients may think that they know how to properly exercise, manage their pain and rehabilitate themselves. We have commonly been given explanations from patients for why they do not need therapy - i.e.: "I have had this before and I know what works for me" or "I know what is causing this, because my neighbour had the same thing so I will just do what she did" and attempt to manage themselves. A Physical Therapist is a specialist skilled and educated specifically in proper rehabilitation. We are continually educated as to management for different dysfunction's, differentiation of one dysfunction/injury from another and work closely with the referring physician in the development of a rehabilitation program specifically designed for each individual. The other important aspect to remember with physical therapy is that each individual is different. We all have different types of bodies, different patterns of movement, different alignments and different habits. A physical therapist, along with the trained staff, monitors each individual and attempt to correct improper habits, alignments and movement patterns.
Who is a "Physiotherapist"?
Today's physical therapist has a lot to offer for patients of all ages.
Chances are, you have already heard of physiotherapist. You might have heard from a friend how physiotherapy helped get rid of his or her back pain, or you might know someone who needed physiotherapy after an injury. You might even have been treated by a physiotherapist yourself. But have you ever wondered about physiotherapist -who we are and what we do? Read on.
The Essence of Physiotherapy
Although the use of certain techniques of physiotherapy goes back to ancient times, the modern profession of physiotherapy developed in the twentieth century, in the wake of World War I. The very first modern American physiotherapists were trained to work with soldiers returning from the war, and several groups of "reconstruction aides," as they were then called, actually were sent to military hospitals in France to institute early rehabilitation with wounded veterans.
Today's physiotherapist is a direct descendant of these brave women (and a few men). Physiotherapists now practice in a wide variety of settings, with patients from all age groups. Many people are familiar with physical therapists' work helping patients with orthopaedic problems, such as low back pain or knee surgeries, to reduce pain and regain function. Others may be aware of the treatment that physiotherapists provide to assist patients recovering from a stroke in learning to use their limbs and walk again. If you are old enough to remember the mid-century polio epidemics, you might be aware of the important role that physiotherapists played in helping people with this disease minimise or overcome its paralysing effects. Each of these recollections captures the essence of physiotherapists. In today's health care system, physiotherapists are the experts in the examination and treatment of musculo-skeletal and neuromuscular problems that affect people's abilities to move the way they want and function as well as they want in their daily lives
Movement and Function
The ability to maintain an upright posture and to move your arms and legs to perform all sorts of tasks and activities is an important component of your health. Most of us can learn to live with the various medical conditions that we may develop, but only if we are able to continue at our jobs, take care of our families, and enjoy important occasions with family and friends. All of these activities require the ability to move without difficulty or pain.
For some of us, the ability to move is not merely a matter of using our limbs to walk or handle objects. There are cardiac and pulmonary problems that interfere with the body's ability to use oxygen, which is the "fuel" of muscles and movement. Because people of all ages, from the newborn to the very aged, have the need to move and function, physiotherapists work with patients across the life span. You might see physiotherapists working with patients or clients in hospitals (even critically ill patients in the intensive care unit), in nursing homes, in outpatient clinics, in the home, in schools, and on the job.
Because physiotherapists are experts in movement and function, they do not confine their talents to treating people who are ill. A large part of a physiotherapist's program is directed at preventing injury and loss of movement. Physiotherapists work as consultants in industrial settings to improve the design of the workplace and reduce the risk of workers overusing certain muscles or developing low back pain. They also provide services to athletes at all levels to screen for potential problems and institute preventive exercise programs. With the boom in the fitness industry, a number of physiotherapists are engaged in consulting with individuals and fitness clubs to develop workouts that are safe and effective, especially for people who already know that they have a problem with their joints or their backs.
Education and Qualification
Because physiotherapists are required to understand a vast array of problems that can affect movement, function, and health, all physical therapists are college graduates. The majority of physiotherapist education programs graduate students with a Bachelor's degree, and a few schools offer a Master's in physical therapy. All these programs should be offered on campus because experience with handling live cases under appropriate supervision is a necessity.
The cornerstones of physiotherapy treatment are therapeutic exercise and functional training. In addition to "hands-on" care, physiotherapists also educate patients to take care of themselves and to perform certain exercises on their own. Depending on the particular needs of a patient, physical therapists may also "mobilise" or "manipulate" a joint (that is, perform certain types of movements at the end of your range of motion) or massage a muscle to promote proper movement and function. Physiotherapists also use methods such as ultrasound (which uses high frequency waves to produce heat), hot packs, ice and other Bio-electrical modalities. Although other kinds of practitioners will offer some of these treatments as "physical therapy," it's important for you to know that physiotherapy can only be provided by qualified physiotherapists, who have a bachelor's degree.
When do you need a Physiotherapist?
The following list contains some of the most common reasons to see a Physiotherapist:
- Low Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder, arm, wrist, or hand problems
- Knee, ankle or foot problems
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Repeated Stress Injuries (RSI)
- Peripheral Nerve Injuries
- Sprains and Muscle Strains
- Arthritis
- Post Traumatic Stiffness
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation after a serious injury
- Chronic Respiratory Problems
- Stroke Rehabilitation
- Problems with balance
- Disabilities in newborns
- Pre/Post natal Programs
- Hip fractures
- Incontinence
- Fitness and Wellness Education
- Post Surgical cases
- Tendon Repair
Areas of physiotherapy
- Critical Care Medicine & ICU
- Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery
- Chest Medicine
- Dental Surgery
- Endocrinology
- General Surgery
- Genetic Medicine
- Multi organ transplantation
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Nuclear Medicine
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Orthopaedics
- Paediatrics
- Paediatric Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Renal Transplant Surgery
- Surgical Gastroenterology
- Urology
Physiotherapy at City Hospital
- Highly qualified therapists
- Therapists trained by international faculty
- Dedicated and motivated team members
- State-of-the-art infrastructure with latest hi-tech equipments
- International standards of treatment
- Wide range of treatment
- Personalised attention
- Friendly atmosphere
- Economical rates
Facilities Available
- Highly qualified therapists
- Cryotherapy (Ice-therapy)
- Paraffin Wax Bath
- Infra-red Ray therapy
- Soft Laser Therapy
- Short-wave diathermy
- Long-wave diathermy
- Ultrasound therapy and Phonophorosis
- Interferential therapy
- Electronic Cervical and Lumbar Traction
- Cold compression Therapy
- TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
- Faradic and Galvanic Stimulation
- Russian Stimulation
- MF currents
- Ultra-reiz currents (S.I. Joint dysfunction's)
- Combination Therapy (Where ultrasound therapy is combined with other Bio-
- Electrical therapy like IFT, TENS, Ultra-reiz etc.)
- Continuous Passive Motion exercises (CPM)
- Motorised Electronic Tilt-Table (To treat Postural Hypotension, Initiate Standing)
- Electronic Treadmill
- Micro-wave Diathermy
- Pulsed Diathermy
- Multi-gym exerciser
Facilities Available
- Cryotherapy (Ice-therapy)
- Paraffin Wax Bath
- Infra-red Ray therapy
- Soft Laser Therapy
- Short-wave diathermy
- Long-wave diathermy
- Ultrasound therapy and Phonophorosis
- Interferential therapy
- Electronic Cervical and Lumbar Traction
- Cold compression Therapy
- TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
- Faradic and Galvanic Stimulation
- Russian Stimulation
- MF currents
- Ultra-reiz currents (S.I. Joint dysfunction's)
- Combination Therapy (Where ultrasound therapy is combined with other Bio-
- Electrical therapy like IFT, TENS, Ultra-reiz etc.)
- Continuous Passive Motion exercises (CPM)
- Motorised Electronic Tilt-Table (To treat Postural Hypotension, Initiate Standing)
- Electronic Treadmill
- Micro-wave Diathermy
- Pulsed Diathermy
- Multi-gym exerciser
Other Facilities
- Exercise therapy
- Joint mobilisation and manipulation
- Soft tissue mobilisation and manipulation
- Relaxation therapy
- Cyriax deep friction massage
- Trigger point therapy
- Gait analysis and gait training
- Orthotics/ splinting
- Fitness consultation
- Training schedules for sportsmen and sportswomen
- Ergonomic advice
Frequently Asked Questions
How can your Physiotherapy department help me?
We are here to serve anyone who requires rehabilitation. Our dedicated, experienced, knowledgeable team of professional's work together to identify the nature of each client's problem and develop an individual recovery strategy with an active approach (see facilities available).
Who can use our services?
Anyone who has physiotherapy related ailment could access our services. (see most common reasons)
Is a referral necessary?
A medical referral is not needed, but may be required if you need to avail extended health care benefits and other re-imbursement benefits.
Is a prior appointment mandatory?
Although appointment is not mandatory, prior appointment will help you to avoid "waiting time".
How can I get an appointment?
You can get an appointment by telephone or by direct visit.
How much time it will take for my treatment and what are the treatment fees?
The treatment time differs from patient to patient based on their ailment. After your first visit we will be able to let know the approximate treatment time required for you. You will be charged based on the facilities availed. (See the "Physiotherapy Charges" for a rough idea).
When and how should I pay my treatment fees?
The treatment fees have to be paid daily before the start of the treatment at the cash counter. Cash and Credit cards are the only mode of payment. For payment through credit cards you have to make a minimum payment for 7 days in advance.
What should I wear for physiotherapy?
Wear comfortable, loose fitting cotton clothes. It would be better if you wear short sleeves or short pants if you require physiotherapy for your arm or leg.
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy/ergo medicine is a branch of medicine which is the application of purposeful, goal oriented activity through latest technology with computerised system and the like in the evaluation, diagnosis and/or treatment of persons whose function is impaired by physical illness or injury, emotional disorder, congenital developmental disability, or the aging process, in order to achieve optimal functioning, to prevent disability and maintain health. Specific occupational therapy services include, but are not limited to, education and training in activities of daily living (ADL); the design, fabrication, and application of orthoses (splints); guidance in the selection and use of adaptive equipment; therapeutic activities to enhance functional performance; prevocational evaluation and training; and consultation concerning the adaptation of physical environments for the handicapped. These services are provided to individuals or groups, and to both inpatients and out patients.
Bachelors degree in Occupational Therapy (B.O.T.) 4½ years duration including 6 months compulsory internship from a recognised university.
What does an occupational therapy practitioner do?
Occupational therapy/ergo medicine doctor is a proud member of multi-disciplinary health team dedicated to improving the quality of life of human beings. The physician adds years to their lives but the occupational therapy practitioner adds life to their years.
Objectives and functions
The main objective of occupational therapy/ergo medicine is to develop a kind of eternal triangle between efficiency, comfort and health.
- Prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of physically or mentally impaired, disabled or handicapped.
- To maintain maximum well being and to improve quality of life at an early stage through sensory stimulation, development therapy, and to give anticipatory guidance.
- To facilitate developmental achievement in a disabled child.
- To restore work capacity
- To promote social adjustment and integration.
- To test the stability of recovery.
- To adopt physical environment at home and /or work place.
- To administer energy conservation work simplification in the activity of daily living.
- To promote and restore bio-psychological and sexual functions.
- To detect and treat learning disability, perceptual, motor disability and sensory integration dysfunction.
- To prescribe, design and prepare orthoses, adaptive devices and simple indigenous prosthesis.
- To do work evaluation, disability evaluation.
Occupational therapists considers his work well done when:
- A premature infant leaves the hospital on the path to health growth and development.
- A child conquers physical and developmental problems that interfere with learning and play.
- A teen returns to his home and family with skills to avoid further I involvement with drugs or alcohol.
- An injured worker has the job equipment and management support he needs to return to full employment.
- A mother develop the personal resources to care for her family as she deals with the effect of mental illness, or
- A mother develop the personal resources to care for her family as she deals with the effect of mental illness, or
- Occupational therapy provided a package of individually tailored tool d techniques a person requires.

Why choose Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital?
Why choose Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital?
Sir Ganga Ram City Hospital is one of the trusted hospitals in Delhi as well as in India. There are several grounds that make us the top-most hospital of choice of patients and their family members
- Proven Clinical Excellence - We unceasingly outdo the industry benchmarks in medical outcomes
- High-tech healthcare facilities through cutting edge technology - access to the newest drugs, getting the finest treatment technology as well as the latest digital technology available to support clinical and patient administration structures
- Highly experienced and competent doctors, medical professionals and staffs
- Personalised care - Our hospital's philosophy revolves around providing personalised care for the most comfortable healthcare experience possible.
- Quality & cost-efficient Healthcare - Our commitment to patients of outstanding clinical care and friendly atmosphere that is cost efficient too
- Central location and easy accessibility