Medical Visa
As per the guidelines from Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, all consultants, visited by foreign patients, are required to ensure the complete details of their patients regarding the following:
Visa For Treatment:
The patient must have "MED VISA" (The Government of India has initiated a separate category of visa called "MEDICAL VISA" denoted by "MED VISA" only for foreign patients and "MEDICAL ATTENDANT VISA" denoted by "MEDX" facilitating only two persons to accompany the patient as attendants"). Holding a Tourist VISA is in violation of Visa Rules.
As the duration of treatment varies from case to case, the medical visa is extendable.
All the patients on Med Visa or MEDX visa shall have to register themselves with Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) within 14 days of arrival. The Pak national on Med visa or MEDX visa shall have to register themselves with DCP, Special Branch, Delhi Police Bhawan, Asaf Ali Road, Delhi within 24 hours. The Afghan Nationals shall register with FRRO Delhi within 7 days on arrival (through our PRO Office, tel. Extn. 1008, 1009 and in his absence this will be looked after by Mr. Deepak Jain posted at International Desk, within the admission area, tel. extn. no. 42251005).
"C-Form" For Inpatients:
The hospitals are also legally bound to provide particulars of such foreigners in the prescribed "C-Form" to the FRRO, Delhi. It is the duty of the hospital authority to advise the foreign patients either admitted in the hospital or taking treatment by staying outside the hospital to get himself/herself registered with the FRRO, Delhi and also to send their "C-Form". In case, the foreign patient or his attendant is not staying in the hospital than also they should be advised the necessity of sending C-Form through the owner of the premises/hotels where they are staying. Filling the said C-Form is the duty of our PRO office or in his absence is the duty of International Desk, mentioned above.
Visa Extension:
Visa extension should be on the advice of the treating doctor (on his letter-head) duly signed by him and countersigned by the Medical Superintendent of the hospital.
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